
This is a Testing Annocement. I don't have Much to Say. This is a Place for a Short Product Annocement

বৃহস্পতিবার, ১১ আগস্ট, ২০১৬

Dhaka historic pictures and potos

                             Dhaka historic pictures and potos-1

My last post, was of the Kar Talab Khan Mosque. Some of the other important Mughal period mosques include Chowk Bazar Masjid (1676), Mosque of Haji Shahbaz (1679), Shat Gombuj Masjid (1680), Mosque of Khwaja Amber (1680), and Mosque of Khan Muhammad Mridha (about 1700). Shat Masjid and Mosque of Khan Muhammad Mridha are under protection of the Directorate of Archaeology and have survived unchanged. The mosques of Kar Talab Khan and Khwaja Amber have had modern extensions to their fronts, but their basic structure is preserved. I will write more about the Chowk Bazar mosque later.

Pictures of all these mosques, have already been posted in other threads, and are generally better than the ones I have, so I will not be posting them, unless there is any specific request from someone.

Lost Buildings of the Mughal Period

As I have mentioned before, there are many buildings from the Mughal period, which have not survived. The ruins of a few of them can be seen in D'Oyly's sketches, from around 1814:

This picture is entitled, Interior of the City of Dacca. I have no idea what kind of buildings they are:

This picture is of Chowk Bazar. Chowk Bazar was main market place / central square of Dhaka. Interestingly, D'Oyly labels the building as the "Husaini Dalan." Of course, it looks nothing like the Husaini Dalan of today. There are two possiblities - either that D'Oyly mistakenly labeled another mosque as being the Husaini Dalan, or that there was a different Husaini Dalan back then. Since D'Oyly is usually pretty accurate, I would probably say the latter:

This is the mosque of Syuff Khan. To the best of my knowledge, it does not survive today. It looks to be an impressive structure:

This was a mosque in Magh Bazar. I think that is Mirzazeehan with his back turned to us, but I can't be sure since I can't see his face  :

Finally, D'Oyly does not specify where this mosque is, except that it is in a suburb of Dhaka:

Last edited by asif adito: at 06:05 PM.
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